A year go, the swine flu pandemic went through the United states in October causing many people to become sick and even causing multiple deaths. Today as Americans and many others in the Western world are recommended to get a flu shot and many other vaccinations, it’s apparent that the health concern is a top priority for many people. In Haiti, however, the money and necessities that are needed to produce and give these resources to the poorest people in the Western hemisphere is very difficult to attain. One such problem that has occurred because of citizens not being able to be vaccinated is a fairly large cholera outbreak that has happened throughout the small nation.
The people of Haiti have been going through a lot of misery from the past earthquake that killed about 230,000 throughout the populous country. Since the quake, which was about half a year ago up to date, the country is slowly begin to transform again into its normal self but it will take a while since the Cholera outbreak has been the toughest issue up to date. The outbreak wasn’t expected at all in the country and the biggest issue is to keep it out of Port of Prince, the nation’s capital so that it doesn’t reach the entire population. “It’s devastating to see this type of event to happen to such a poor and undeveloped country presently and I hope they can rebuild with extra support from other nations of the world,” Sr. Nick Ouellette said. He also commented on the fact that hopefully they will recover over time from this outgoing cholera outbreak that has affected already many people.
The biggest thing today that could possibly help the people of Haiti would be the use of antibiotics for all the affected people. The modern development of medicine today has really helped people across the globe and these people of Haiti probably need it the most right now. Sr. Farzan Fatemi said, “Providing families and kids with enough medicine and antibiotics in Haiti would greatly reduce the chance of people catching the disease.” He also commented that, “If I could do one thing for Haiti right now to help the country with its present situation, I would probably send as much medicine as I could with my own money and hopefully I could actually go to the country and build houses and shelter for those who really need it the most.” Medicine would definitely be one of the important aspects to helping out people in Haiti presently and by providing this, the country could recover faster and slowly start to rebuild itself as a more successful and independent nation.
Even though medical centers have scrambled to get vaccinations to people, there are many people that have been helped out especially in the capital of Port of Prince. As the country slowly starts to rebuild itself from this along with the past earthquake, it will help other countries realize what they can do in this crisis and hopefully Haiti will be able to be more prepared and help its people in this difficult time.
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