It is a time of year when families come to town, food smells up the house, and relaxation for everyone in the family. A time of year that gives people vacation from school and work, and more time for everyone to bond with loved ones and enjoy in the festivities. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November and is a day to spend with family and people who mean the most.
Most people typically on Thanksgiving Day will stay home, eat turkey, and have a bunch of family come over, but people also do many different events during this time of year, visiting family or go on vacation. Minnesota weather is cold and people just want to get away and go down south to warmer climates. A lot kids visit relatives during this time and have family gatherings with family members they maybe don’t see all year round.
Thanksgiving is not all the same foods either. Turkey is probably the most common thing eaten during the this time, as said by Daisy Coria (see interview) but some families go out to eat somewhere special where they go every year on Thanksgiving or change up the menu on what they eat, like Dayana Loera eats a traditional Mexican dish. People tend to have their own traditions on what they eat, as Loera said she eats something that is more of a culture aspect of tradition. People tend to call this time of year the day where they are allowed to overeat. It’s not a time to count calories and be on a diet, but to enjoy what everyone has and splurge on what’s around.
Shopping is another big popular event seen during this time of year. With Christmas coming a lot of people, after Thanksgiving, gather up for shopping Black Friday which is the day after Thanksgiving, in which many stores offer good offers in town and usually people wake up early morning rushing to get the best deals. They have a coffee in their hands and shopping carts filled with the latest toys and items. Best Buy is one of the most popular places to shop during Black Friday, with tons of electronics on sale at low prices people are sometimes tenting outside of best buy at night to get their electronics. A lot of Christmas shopping and holiday shopping is taken place during this time, for restaurants and stores it’s the most important day of the year for businesses.
Thanksgiving is a great time of year, with more holidays arriving after it; it’s a turning point of the year. People cooking and shopping is something very popular around this time. Everyone has their own way of celebrating, by bringing in their own culture and vibe into their celebrations and making them unique. Businesses, households, and towns all pitch in to make this time of year easy and exciting. The key idea to Thanksgiving traditions and ways of celebrating is to always have people to celebrate with and having the time to relax and enjoy this once in year time.
image from google
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