The history of Thanksgiving all started when a group of 100 pilgrims traveled to the United States on the Mayflower from England and set foot at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts on December 11th 1620. The first year for the pilgrims was a brutal one; they barely survived because of the cold conditions and devastating crop season. In autumn of 1621, their crop was the best they had ever seen and the colonists had a lot to be grateful for. As a way of celebration they had a three day feast with the 91 Indians who helped them survive the cold long winter. At that time there were no potatoes, livestock, pumpkin pie etc. which are foods that are well known to eat during Thanksgiving. The colonists had fish, lobster, dried fruit, berries and anything else that had been harvested that year. At that point Thanksgiving really was about being thankful for surviving through the first year and to celebrate the good harvest. The date of Thanksgiving was known to have been set as the fourth Thursday in November, but many Americans opposed this holiday and in much later years in 1863, when Abraham Lincoln became president he asked all Americans to set aside the fourth Thursday in the month of November to give thanks for everything that they had in their lives and that’s when Thanksgiving was set as an official holiday. There are many traditions that come with the Thanksgiving holiday, included having family over, eating a lot of food including, turkey, ham, potatoes, veggies, and the famous pumpkin pie. “My family from out of town usually comes to my house during Thanksgiving and they all bring a ton of food like turkey, ham, mash potatoes, veggies and my favorite pumpkin pie.” Says Mayo high school senior Nick Carter was asked about his Thanksgiving traditions. The same traditional response was also giving by Mayo high school Junior Mercedes Erpelding, “Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday right after Christmas, it also gives me a good reason to eat all the food I want! It’s also a great chance for family and friends to come together and be thankful for what they have.”
Thanksgiving is a great holiday because it helps remind people what and who they are thankful for. It’s also great time for family and friends to come together. I believe that everyone should be reminded of everything they have in their lives and be thankful for them and Thanksgiving is a great way to do so.
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