The third Jackass movie brings back the Jackasses we’ve come to know and love. This time there’s more stunts to make the audience laugh and gag. The stunts are amplified by the extended use of slow-motion cameras and for the first time in Jackass history, shot in 3D.
The movie starts as the previous two films did. It has a quick introduction shot mostly in slow-motion and had a montage of the crew being hit by random items. The introduction wasn’t anything too special but it was a good attention getter. From that point on it was nothing but the wacky shenanigans the Jackass crew is known for. The one stunt that was closest to making me gag (which I rarely do in movies) was the sweat suit cocktail. The stunt consisted of a person running on a treadmill whilst wearing a closed suit. The sweat from the person would funnel into a cup. Then they had to drink the sweat out of the cup. This part almost made me gag but luckily it moved on and I didn’t have to have the taste and smell (imaginary of course) of the sweat. Perhaps the most disturbing stunt was the Poo Cocktail Supreme. I don’t want to go into too much detail, but it goes somewhat accordingly to what the stunt name suggests. I should also mention that those who have weak stomachs may want to divert their eyes for part of this stunt.
In terms of physical stunts, The High Five was probably the best. It consisted of a giant hand held back, then suddenly let go. The hand would then swing around the corner and slam whoever would be standing there to the ground. It was also set around the dining area, so most of the people hit had their hands full with a tray of food. They would get slammed so hard that they would almost instantly be pounded into the ground.
Jackass 3D received average to above-average ratings from critics for its mischievous pranks and outrageous stunts. Meta-critic rounded up reviews and gave the movie 56 out of 100. Fans, on the other hand, gave the film 7.4 out of 10. Some say that Jackass 3D was the best out of the three and others say it was the worst. Ryan Inwards, a senior at Mayo High school, stated, “I thought it was surprisingly enjoyable even though I am usually skeptical of immature humor.” Regardless, it still lived up to the Jackass name.
I would definitely recommend Jackass 3D, but only to those who are old enough or mature enough to make it through. I can speak for us all when I say that little kids shouldn’t be watching movies of people (sometimes nude) doing stupid, dangerous things. The increase of nudity is another reason why you shouldn’t bring your kids to it. That said, this movie was super hilarious and worth watching. I would say it is also worth watching at least once.
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