A Florida man considering burning copies of the Islamic Quran has stirred up lots of controversy around the world today. Making nationwide headlines, Rev. Terry Jones of Gainesville Florida threatens to burn the Islamic Quran in an attempt to protest against the September 11th 2001 tragedy.
The Quran burning story first started as a facebook group in July that later spread making American newspapers and news reports to protesting in late august. Rev Jones reasoning for burning the Quran is in order for him to not burn the Quran leader Imam Muhammad Musri of the Islamic Center of Central Florida needs to agree to move th

e location of the new Islamic center away from ground zero in New York City. Rev Jones says that Musri was indeed willing to help move the location of the mosque if the burning never takes place. "I verified that three or four times with witnesses. I trust that man who gave me that. I believe he is a man of integrity, a man of his word, I do not believe that he lied to me” - Jones says of the meeting between him and Musri. After later decisions between United States officials Rev Jones said that indeed the government did agree to move the location but in an interview with Musri he refused ever agreeing to move the location of the mosque.
Rev. Jones has finally agreed to not burn the Quran saying that the New York imam and Musri has “clearly, clearly lied to us”, in his obnoxious attempt to move the mosque away from ground zero.
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